Quotes of Mother
1)There is no role in life that is more essential than that of motherhood
2)Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't know you had
3)Time passes quickly but one thing always lasts, the love and support found in you
Quotes of Father
4)The greatest a father can do for his children is love their mother
5)Dad: A son's first hero, a daughter's first love
6)We have a hero, we call him daddy
1)母親節主題 1:軟筆英文書法加裝飾線(Brush lettering with flourishes)
字句:Happy mother's day
2)母親節主題 2:軟筆英文書法加花草裝飾(Brush lettering with botanical drawing)
字句:You are the best
3)母親節主題 3:手繪英文美術字(Hand lettering)
字句:Happy mother's day
4)父親節主題 1:軟筆英文書法加裝飾線(Brush lettering with flourishes)
字句:Happy father's day
5)父親節主題 2:軟筆西洋書法加插圖(Brush lettering with drawing)
字句:My dad is my hero
6)父親節主題 3:手繪英文美術字(Hand lettering)
字句:Happy father's day